Saturday, July 18, 2009


Grandma Sheri said...

I just love seeing my guys. The zoo is so much fun for both the kids and the grownups. We take Jacob and AJ to the zoo here in Denver often. Each time they are so excited about seeing animals that actually move around. Favorites are the duckies in the duck pond (we can get close to those), giraffs, seals and the polar bears (AJ has one on the back of grandma's seat in the car. He "needs" it when he gets into his car seat.

Molly's beautiful blond hair is getting long! She's looking more like a little girl than a toddler, and Daddy looks great, as well. Mommy's busy taking pictures, I guess. I never get in any pictures because I'm always taking them. Oh well.

Love U Grandpa Noel and Grandma Sheri

Granpa Noel said...

Cool pictures. the zoo is just great. I see Daddy Adam is a natural buckeroo on the meery go round; Molly looks cool in the saddle, too.

We love you, Grandpa Noel and Grandma Sheri