Friday, November 13, 2009

Interesting story

Molly picked up a story book about the movie "Lilo and Stitch" from the library and over the last couple of days we have been trying to find a copy of the movie to watch.

The interesting part is who Molly is interested in and worried about. She has complete ignored the main characters and is focused on the male love interest David. When we finally found the movie, that is all she was talking about "where is David? where is David?" I found myself repeating words of my mother "I don't know, I am watching it just like you!!!" Another part of the movie and book that she focused on was the word Ohana, which is the Hawaiian word for family (in the larger sense). It is also easy for her to say.

On another note, I heard her use the word "Mieja," which really surprised me because it is Spanish term of endearment for a girl.

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