we've had a few spam postings, and I just decided to catch them on the posting, rather than go find where they put them and clean it up.
Molly was looking particularly adorable tonight, with her hair in braids and wearing her ultra-stylish coat. There was a talent agency there looking for model potentials, I guess, and we walked past where they were (without even noticing them, frankly) and the main guy called out to us and asked me how old she was. I told him. We wandered away, and he came after us and said that he wanted her to come to an audition, and I sort of looked like he was crazy, so he backed off... but, when we walked past a few minutes later, he came back to us and said, "no, really... she's really beautiful... and started practically pleading for a picture, her phone number, etc. It was flattering yet a little creepy.
wow! so what's the deal?? the kid is cute... tell more!!
by the way that last post was from Allison not Scott but Scott agreed with me
ps why do you have editing enabled for comments? Have you had problems?
we've had a few spam postings, and I just decided to catch them on the posting, rather than go find where they put them and clean it up.
Molly was looking particularly adorable tonight, with her hair in braids and wearing her ultra-stylish coat. There was a talent agency there looking for model potentials, I guess, and we walked past where they were (without even noticing them, frankly) and the main guy called out to us and asked me how old she was. I told him. We wandered away, and he came after us and said that he wanted her to come to an audition, and I sort of looked like he was crazy, so he backed off... but, when we walked past a few minutes later, he came back to us and said, "no, really... she's really beautiful... and started practically pleading for a picture, her phone number, etc. It was flattering yet a little creepy.
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