Friday, June 15, 2007

The absolute delight of a good night's sleep!

Last night, our lovely daughter gave us the gift of two 4-hour stretches of sleep between feedings, with minimal fussing! Both Adam and I were able to cobble together a full 8 hours (although not uninterupted). WOW!!!

So, instead of going through the day in a groggy haze, we've been able to get a lot of work done. We cleaned the house and had the realtor come over to take pictures. The house is officially ON THE MARKET! We could, in theory, have people waltzing through our baby-invaded space as soon as tomorrow.

How will we keep our house clean with a two-and-a-half-week-old baby? What will we do when people come to look at the house (but it is 110 degrees outside)? Will Molly allow us to sleep another night? Stay tuned for more details...

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